Our research
5. Designing reliable and qualitative service systems5.
Success Story #1
A regulatory platform for telecoms and essential services operators
From telecoms to energy, and from the healthcare sector to transportation, each company is subject to regulations that shape its business and aim to prevent all risks.
While some cover, for example, environmental or staff safety, information security plays an increasingly important role in an ever more digital world. To ensure they comply with these regulations, companies must not only apply best practices, but also manage their risks, submit analyses and report incidents. This is a time-consuming and complex exercise for which there is often no clear methodology, useful knowledge bases, or centralised tool. This is where LIST comes in. In close collaboration with the Luxembourg Regulatory Institute (ILR) for a decade, and with the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT), LIST researchers have developed a prototype and then created a regulation platform called SERIMA (SEcurity RIsk MAnagement). Designed by LIST and the ILR, this platform enables operators to carry out risk assessments, in the telecoms sector in particular, and in the near future for all essential service operators. The ILR interacts with the so-called regulated entities via a single interface using this platform. Thus, each company in question can receive notifications from the regulator, use a common methodology for carrying out risk assessments and report incidents in accordance with the regulations in force. The next features for systemic risk analysis are being designed and are expected to allow a new level to be attained that is unique in Europe.
Contact: Sébastien Pineau and Nicolas Mayer
More information:

Success Story #2
Detecting Dark Patterns online
In 2021, LIST launched the DECEPTICON project with the University of Luxembourg, a project that gets to grips with what are commonly referred to as Dark Patterns. In other words this is information which can mislead us, manipulate us and ultimately motivate us to make the wrong decisions, without realising the consequences. One of the major challenges of the project is to be able to identify these Dark Patterns, whatever form they take. The idea is firstly to understand that a phrase is written in a suspicious or erroneous manner, and then to identify the target, as the impact will vary between users. The project focuses on four objectives: creating an online database in order to share a whole set of knowledge about Dark Patterns; distinguishing between online manipulation and deception; gathering evidence about the effects of Dark Patterns on user behaviour; and finally developing procedures and tools to assess the presence of Dark Patterns in online services.
Contact: Philippe Valoggia

Success Story #3
Facilitating 5G roll-out and sustainability
LIST is at the forefront of research into and innovation for new mobile communication networks, with several parallel projects in relation to the roll-out and adoption of 5G, with its future development and 6G in their sights.
Representative of this innovation is the 5G-EMIT project, co-funded by the Luxembourg Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy (SMC). The objective of this project is to facilitate the roll-out, compliance and sustainability of 5G in Luxembourg by proposing new models and technologies, taking into account the limits for the electromagnetic fields (EMF) produced by 5G installations, whose technologies are very different from previous generations. A national public observatory, displaying real-time measurements taken in Luxembourg, as well as a network planning solution recommending optimal roll-out strategies, are being developed. In addition, this project aims to use the Grand Duchy model as a test bank that can potentially be reproduced in other countries in the future.
Raising awareness among the general public and companies is also essential in facilitating the adoption of new technologies. Thus, LIST has set up and launched a unique awareness-raising platform called 5G-PLANET, also co-funded by the SMC. The idea of this platform is to introduce and explain the technologies behind 5G, using mobility applications as an example and creating a series of demonstrators for these, all accessible to as many people as possible from summer 2022.
Many other cooperative projects are in progress, whether in the areas of security, optimisation or peripheral computing. 2021 was marked, for example, by the launch of the 5G-INSIGHT project, a cooperation between Luxembourg and France on the safety of vehicle networks which rely on 5G in border areas, which makes Luxembourg the ideal candidate.
Contact: Sébastien Faye
More information:
- LIST launches educational 5G awareness project
- Ensuring 5G security for cross-border vehicles
- LIST's 5G decision support system for Luxembourg
- 5G-EMIT project
- 5G-INSIGHT project
- 5G-MOBIX project
- 5G-PLANET project

- Success Story #1
- Success Story #2
- Success Story #3
6. Exploiting data for the benefit of the economy and society
Success Story #1
An innovative in situ learning assistant for industry with No-Nail Boxes
Increasing production is a major issue in the world of industry. When production rises, we need more staff, including, for example, external employees who are not necessarily familiar with the machines on which they have to work. Therefore, they must be trained very quickly. This major issue can be resolved thanks to the in situ learning assistant developed by LIST with No-Nail Boxes, a Wiltz-based company that produces plywood folding boxes for a wide variety of industries. This innovative project lends a new dimension to Industry 4.0 through the creation of an in situ learning assistant for computer numerical control (CNC) machines.
Contact: Marie Gallais

Success Story #2
High-quality, noise-free astronomical images
Today, Electronically Assisted Astronomy is widely used to observe deep-sky objects, such as nebulae or galaxies. By capturing images using a camera connected to an optical instrument, this approach aims to display enhanced views of the target objects in near real-time on a screen, by running a minimal image processing phase. Observing the night sky therefore becomes more accessible to the general public, and in particular to people who find it difficult to use a telescope directly, because of poor visual sharpness for example. In this context and as part of the MILAN (MachIne Learning for AstroNomy) project, LIST and VAONIS, a French company specialising in the development and sale of a new generation of automatic and smart telescopes, are jointly exploring how recent Deep Learning approaches can help to produce clear and realistic images, even when observation conditions are not ideal. These innovative features should help the company to continue to raise its competitiveness and its unique positioning on the market.
Contact: Olivier Parisot

Success Story #3
Contributing to the European visualisation research landscape
Network and graph data is omnipresent in science, engineering and business. How to analyse and visualise large graphs often remains a challenge. This is why a team of LIST visualisation researchers has published a comprehensive book on visualising multilayer networks together with international colleagues. Entitled Visual Analysis of Multilayer Networks, this book is the work of Fintan Mc Gee, with contributions from Mohammad Ghoniem and Benoît Otjacques, three LIST data visualisation researchers. By identifying research opportunities and examining the challenges to be tackled in terms of visualising multilayer networks, potential solutions and future research directions to resolve these, this book shows that LIST is regarded as a valuable contributor to the European visualisation research landscape.
Contact: Fintan McGee

- Success Story #1
- Success Story #2
- Success Story #3