Key figures 2021
Market coverage of partnerships in progress in 2021
Breakdown of partnerships in progress in 2021 by partner type
Our research
The Guest LIST: opinion pieces from our partners

LIST is an excellent partner who shares our passion for science. We have the same project management structures, which we created together. Therefore, we have the same goal, the same timetable and the same pace for reviewing our progress. This has helped us to stay focused and deliver on time.
Romain Hansen,
Director of Innovation Technology at Goodyear

Hydrology Department at the Water Management Authority
We have several collaborative projects running with LIST, for example, we are trying to ascertain the age of water in rivers, and we also compile data and publish a report after each flood or drought. I really like working with LIST. They have very interesting ideas and projects. I think we can work together for a long time.
Christine Bastian,
Head of the Hydrology Department at the Water Management Authority

No Nail Boxes
Innovation forms the cornerstone of our business. LIST arrived at No Nail Boxes with a completely different thought process: LIST has a research-driven way of thinking, which was new to us. They asked good questions, proposed an interesting approach... we weren't used to working in this way.
Stephane Guirsch,
Technical Manager at No Nail Boxes
A partner to businesses and public authorities
IT engineer
ESRIC Start-up Support Program lead
Research & Development Engineer
Diversity & Inclusion
In 2021, LIST made Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) one of its top priorities. LIST’s approach goes beyond diversity and inclusion in terms of gender and ethnicity to take account of differences in a broad sense. LIST makes a commitment to all its employees and partners that it will promote a company culture in which everyone can contribute their strengths and skills to LIST’s strategy, and develop their potential, regardless of their ethnicity, beliefs, age, gender or sexual orientation. In 2021, LIST launched a new series of portraits – LISTeners – to show the diversity that hides behind LIST’s walls.